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IOS Emulator - An iPhone App Testing Program


Purchasing the latest iPhone Mobile, is considered to be the most expensive as well as the most premium Phone. Many people believe that this phone has the ability to do everything which an Android phone is unable to perform or the functionality or features of any app or phone introduced first to this Premium Phone.


Let’s jump on to our Topic i.e., IOS Emulator for PC. Before introducing or listing down the best Emulator Software for IOS, we should be aware of the Definition of Emulator, What an Emulator does and How Emulators acts Like? 

Emulator is nothing but a program or a software which acts in the similar way of the apps or device for which we perform the testing. For example if we perform a testing for a new computer device on another computer device, the host computer or the computer on which we perform the testing acts like the client computer device. Hence, in the same way the Host Computer on which the Emulator has been installed acts like an IOS app or iPhone Device to perform the testing of a client's IOS app or iPhone Device. So without much waiting! Let’s explore and list down some of the famous Emulators for IOS which can be run on PC.  

        i.            Smartface Emulator: 

Smartface provides unmatched and fully fledged software and apps for all kinds of operating systems whether it is Windows, ChromeOS, Linux or it’s macOS. Smartface delivers us some of the exclusive features under its Umbrella for professional App developers. App developers can test their app on a variety of screen resolutions.

Features of Smartface:

a.       This software works on any kind of operating system whether it is windows, chromeOS, Linux or its macOS.

b.      Can be developed on Multiple Platforms.

c.       This software is not only available on IOS, but it can also be used as an app, this app primarily developed for the purpose of testing and development of App.


  1. iPadian:

iPadian is one of the Most admired emulators. It looks & works like an iPad having a very neat and clean affiliation. iPadian is able to simulate on PC the IOS interface.  

Features of iPadian:

a.       It works like an iPad with a very neat and clean interface.

b.      It doesn’t demand high power to run

c.       Playing games and opening apps will not create any hassles.

d.      Having its own play store to download millions of apps, without any hassles.

There are numerous emulator software or apps available on the internet, but I have listed the most

famous and most used simulator or emulator for you. These two programs ask for some costs for its full

access, but according to its features and functionality the costs are very reasonable, and if any developer

will understand these facts they never deny to pay for it. I am sure after reading this article you will have

a very clear idea why to use emulators or simulators for testing. If someone is a beginner in this field,

they will also have some clear picture about it.  Hence if you find this article helpful please comment

which features you like the most of which program and if you have something in your mind about the

IOS Emulator for PC, please let us know, we will welcome & appreciate your suggestion about it.


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